Downey Hard Money Lenders & Loans

Downey Hard Money Lenders & Loans

  • Fixed Rates from 9.95% (excluding consumer loans)*

  • Lender Fees from 1.5 Points – No Additional Fees

  • Same Day Pre-Approvals Available – Receive Funding within Days

  • Financing up to 75% Loan to Value

  • 40 Years of Experience – $1 Billion Funded

  • 5-Star Google Review Rating – BBB A+ Rating

As Featured

Downey Hard Money Lenders

North Coast Financial are Downey direct hard money lenders (private money lenders) providing real estate investors and property owners with hard money financing. One of the most experienced hard money lenders in California, North Coast Financial’s broker has over 40 years of hard money lending experience and has provided funding of over $1 billion in California hard money loans.

Downey Hard Money Loans

North Coast Financial is able to provide various types of hard money loans in Downey including bridge loans, investment property loans, fix and flip / rehab loans, cash out and refinance loans, probate and estate loans, hard money purchase loans, ADU loans and other hard money loans which are secured by real estate. Property types such as single family residence, multi-family residence, commercial, and industrial can be used as collateral.

Contact North Coast Financial now to inquire about a Downey hard money loan.

Downey, California

Part of Los Angeles County, the city of Downey has an estimated population of 113,000 and is best known for being the birthplace of the Apollo space program. The city was founded in 1873 and incorporated in 1956. Prior to World War 2, Downey was a farming town and local farmers grew castor beans, fruit, grain and corn. During World War 2, Aerospace companies manufactured aircraft for the United States military in the area.

Hard Money Loans in Downey Funded by North Coast Financial

Downey Hard Money Cash Out Refinance Loan Downey Hard Money Cash Out Refinance Loan
North Coast Financial provided financing for a hard money cash out refinance loan in Downey, California. The loan amount of $300,000 was secured by a condominium unit. This repeat borrower has used North Coast Financial multiple times for their hard money borrowing needs.
Downey California Hard Money Refinance Loan Downey Hard Money Refinance Loan
Financing was provided by North Coast Financial for a hard money refinance loan in Downey, California. A 10 unit condo complex was used as collateral for the $1,500,000 loan.
Downey Hard Money Refinance Loan Downey Hard Money Refinance Loan
A hard money cash out refinance loan was funded by North Coast Financial in Downey, California (Los Angeles). The loan was in the amount of $450,000 and was secured by a single family residence.

Downey, California

Downey, California