Westminster Hard Money Lenders & Loans

Westminster Hard Money Lenders & Loans

  • Fixed Rates from 9.95% (excluding consumer loans)*

  • Lender Fees from 1.5 Points – No Additional Fees

  • Same Day Pre-Approvals Available – Receive Funding within Days

  • Financing up to 75% Loan to Value

  • 40 Years of Experience – $1 Billion Funded

  • 5-Star Google Review Rating – BBB A+ Rating

As Featured

Westminster Hard Money Lenders

For over 40 years, North Coast Financial has been offering hard money loans (private money loans) in Westminster, California. North Coast Financial’s owner/broker has provided funding of over $1 billion in California and Westminster hard money loans since 1981, offering bridge loans, investment property loans, cash out and refinance loans, probate, estate and trust loans, fix and flip / rehab loans, hard money purchase loans, and various other hard money loans secured by California real estate.

North Coast Financial are Westminster hard money lenders (private money lenders) providing hard money loans for different types of property including single family residence, multi-family residence, commercial, land and industrial. Contact North Coast Financial now to inquire about a Westminster hard money loan.

Westminster, California

Incorporated in 1957, the city of Westminster is in Orange County. Westminster was founded in 1870 as a Presbyterian temperance colony. In the 1970’s many Vietnamese refugees came to Westminster and settled in an area now known as Little Saigon. The city now has one of the highest concentrations of Vietnamese Americans in the country.

Orange County Hard Money Loans

Westminster, California

Westminster, California