Private Hard Money Loans Laguna Beach

Laguna Beach Private Hard Money Loans

  • Fixed Rates from 9.95% (excluding consumer loans)*

  • Lender Fees from 1.5 Points – No Additional Fees

  • Same Day Pre-Approvals Available – Receive Funding within Days

  • Financing up to 75% Loan to Value

  • 40 Years of Experience – $1 Billion Funded

  • 5-Star Google Review Rating – BBB A+ Rating

As Featured

Laguna Beach Hard Money Loans

North Coast Financial are California hard money lenders (private money lenders) providing Laguna Beach hard money loans. North Coast Financial’s owner/broker has over 40 years of hard money lending experience and has provided funding of over $1 billion in California hard money loans. Contact North Coast Financial now to inquire about a Laguna Beach private hard money loan.

North Coast Financial provides various types of Laguna Beach hard money loans (private money loans) to real estate investors and property owners including bridge loans, distressed property loans, rehab loans / fix and flip loans, investment property loans, estate & trust loans, construction loans, hard money purchase loans, owner occupied hard money loans, cash out refinance loans, reverse mortgage refinance loans and other private money loans in Laguna Beach with real estate as collateral.

Laguna Beach Hard Money Loan Property Types

North Coast Financial is able to provide hard money loans in Laguna Beach on a variety of property types. While primarily providing residential hard money loans for single family and multi-family residences, NCF are also able to fund commercial hard money loans for commercial, industrial, office buildings, healthcare, hotels, retail and special purpose property.

Laguna Beach Bridge Loans

Bridge loans are short term loans (generally one year or less) provided to a borrower so they have enough time to secure permanent financing. North Coast Financial can provide Laguna Beach bridge loans and have more than 40 years of experience as a bridge loan lender. Contact North Coast Financial now to inquire about a Laguna Beach bridge loan or visit our Bridge Loan page for additional information.

Laguna Beach, California

A small city located within Orange County, the city of Laguna Beach has an estimated population of 23,000. The city was incorporated in 1927. Tourism is the main industry for Laguna Beach with an estimated 3 million people visiting the city each year to enjoy the great weather, beautiful coastline and numerous annual art festivals.

Hard Money Loans Funded in Orange County by North Coast Financial

Laguna Beach, California

Laguna Beach, California