Rancho Santa Fe Hard Money Lenders & Loans

Ranch Santa Fe Hard Money Lenders & Loans

  • Fixed Rates from 9.95% (excluding consumer loans)*

  • Lender Fees from 1.5 Points – No Additional Fees

  • Same Day Pre-Approvals Available – Receive Funding within Days

  • Financing up to 75% Loan to Value

  • 40 Years of Experience – $1 Billion Funded

  • 5-Star Google Review Rating – BBB A+ Rating

As Featured

Rancho Santa Fe Hard Money Lenders

With over 40 years of hard money lending experience, North Coast Financial provides Rancho Santa Fe hard money loans (private money loans) to property owners and real estate investors. The broker of North Coast Financial has financed over $1 billion in California hard money loans since 1981. Contact North Coast Financial now to apply for a Rancho Santa Fe hard money loan.

Rancho Santa Fe Hard Money Loans

North Coast Financial provides many different types of Rancho Santa Fe hard money loans (private money loans) including cash out refinance loans, investment property loans, fix and flip loans, distressed property loans, bridge loans, estate and trust loans, construction loans, purchase loans, reverse mortgage refinance loans, owner occupied hard money loans for primary residences and any other type of Rancho Santa Fe hard money loan secured by real estate.

North Coast Financial are Rancho Santa Fe hard money lenders (private money lenders) who lend on multiple types of property including multi-family residence, single family residence, land, commercial and industrial.

Cash Out & Refinance Loans in Rancho Santa Fe

North Coast Financial can provide Rancho Santa Fe cash out refinance loans to real estate investors and home owners. Cash out refinance loans are utilized when a borrower needs to pull equity from an existing property they own and reinvest it in another opportunity. Refinance loans can be used to obtain a lower interest rate or secure an additional or longer loan term when the existing loan is coming due. Contact North Coast Financial now to apply for a Rancho Santa Fe refinance loan or visit our Cash Out & Refinance Loan page for more information.

Bridge Loans for Rancho Santa Fe Real Estate

North Coast Financial is an experienced bridge loan lender providing bridge loans in Rancho Santa Fe and throughout California. Bridge loans are short-term loans against equity within property a borrower already owns. The borrowed funds are then used to purchase a new property. Once the borrower has purchased the new property, the previous property is sold by the borrow so the bridge loan can be paid off.

Bridge loans are available for homeowners looking to borrow against their primary residence to buy a new home. A bridge loan can also be used by a real estate investor who needs a loan against their existing property to purchase new property. Contact North Coast Financial now to inquire about a Rancho Santa Fe bridge loan or visit our Bridge Loan page for more information.

Rancho Santa Fe California Hard Money Rehab Loan$1.1M Hard Money Rehab Loan in Rancho Santa Fe

Recent Hard Money Loans Funded by North Coast Financial

Rancho Santa Fe, California

Known by locals as “The Ranch”, Rancho Santa Fe is part of San Diego County and one of the highest income communities and most expensive ZIP codes in the country. Rancho Sante Fe is just inland of Solana Beach and is one of the few areas in suburban San Diego that will occasionally receive snowfall.

Rancho Santa Fe, California

Rancho Santa Fe, California